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New Part Development

-    Plug n play Solution which helps organizations to track the part development process as per AIAG standard APQP process. This solutions feature with dashboard centric, process driven and completely configurable architecture. Access control can be managed at part level & activity level.  It also allows reusability of documents for different activities across parts.

-   Out of the box capabilities to connect with different source systems like BOM system (PLM), Project Management & ERP




Issue /Change Management Solution

-   Plug n play Solution which helps organizations to capture and track the issue management process including Issue details, categorization, Root cause Analysis details, interim & permanent solution, action plan to provide solution and finally closure of issue. Provision to convert issue into Change request.

-   Out of the box capabilities to connect with different source systems like BOM system (PLM) to relate affected parts.


PPAP Solution

-   Solution to capture and track the PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) process.

-   Supplier access to own and work on PPAP activities assigned to them.

-   Ready dashboards- Configure and use.


VDP Deliverables Management Solution

-   Solution to capture and track the VDP deliverables in the context of Project.


VTS-DVP Management Solution

-   Solution to capture and track Vehicle Target setting and design validation plans.

-   House of quality dashboard


Content Management Solution

-   Web based Solution to capture contents/specifications of the product

-   Extendable as a specification management, Product certification, regulation management


Costing Templates

-   Web based light weight and completely configurable solution to calculate cost of a part/system based on specifications

-   Store the information as a knowledgebase and rerun the calculation to find out the cost change.

-   In build mechanism for security control



·         Plug n play Solution which helps organizations to track the part development process as per AIAG standard APQP process. This solutions feature with dashboard centric, process driven and completely configurable architecture. Access control can be managed at part level & activity level.  It also allows reusability of documents for different activities across parts.


·         Out of the box capabilities to connect with different source systems like BOM system (PLM), Project Management & ERP